After Joey and Amanda's wedding, we were blessed with having my Grandfather in town for the week. The kid's absolutely adore Corky and love being around him. Reagan was not feeling well one day and got to spend more time with Corky, which she was very excited about! Due to the cool, rainy weather on Tuesday, she didn't get to have soccer practice, but did get to take him to Gymnastics on Wednesday! Hudson would hear him come in the house and immediately would start calling his name....We are blessed that he got to spend some time with us this week and can't wait to see him again soon! We got a few silly face pictures before he left!
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Corky is so much fun!
After Joey and Amanda's wedding, we were blessed with having my Grandfather in town for the week. The kid's absolutely adore Corky and love being around him. Reagan was not feeling well one day and got to spend more time with Corky, which she was very excited about! Due to the cool, rainy weather on Tuesday, she didn't get to have soccer practice, but did get to take him to Gymnastics on Wednesday! Hudson would hear him come in the house and immediately would start calling his name....We are blessed that he got to spend some time with us this week and can't wait to see him again soon! We got a few silly face pictures before he left!
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Congratulations Joey and Amanda!

Well...we didn't get to go to the soccer game on Saturday. The original start time of the game would have allowed us to go to it and make it to Joey and Amanda's wedding, but the game was postponed to later in the day. Instead, we all headed down to Round Rock to enjoy a beautiful wedding! Congratulations Joey and Amanda! The wedding was beautiful and the kids absolutely loved the reception. I think that the kids were out on the dance floor more than any of the adults! Reagan and Hudson both enjoyed showing off their dance moves!
Friday, March 25, 2011
Nan's Kiddos!
We are super lucky to live close to Nan and Da! They are an amazing help, and I truly don't know what we would do without them! On the days that John is at the station, they typically come over to the house and help with the typical chores of the night, and love to play with the kids! They love being grandparents and are great at it! Reagan and Hudson always love to spend time with their "Nan and Da!" I caught these pictures the other night of the kids and Nan having a good time after bath! Thanks so much Nan and Da for all you do! We love you!
Thursday, March 24, 2011
First "Real" Soccer Practice
Reagan had her first "real" soccer practice this week. The last soccer practice only lasted about 10 minutes due to lightning in the area. This time, she got an hour worth of soccer fun! She really likes her coach and really loved playing. The drills as well as playing were fun for her. I am not sure that she quite understands the whole purpose of playing yet, but is having fun anyway! Her first game is this Saturday, so be watching for more pictures! We are all excited!
Monday, March 21, 2011
Oreos and Milk
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Sibling Love
The kids are now at an age that they typically play pretty well together, but have also learned how to fight with one another too! Both are very independent, strong headed children that each like their own way! Reagan feels that she is the oldest, so she should be able to tell Hudson what to do, and Hudson doesn't back down when he wants something. They also like to cuddle with each other and spend time with each other! Hopefully, that will last forever!
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Fancy Dancin' Reagan
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
First Soccer Practice
Reagan got to have a short soccer practice for the first time last week. Unfortunately, we had to cut the practice short secondary to some lightning in the area. She was extremely excited about starting to practice! This will be her first year with soccer and it looks like she is going to be the youngest on her team. Since her birthday is at the end of August, she gets to be on a team with girls nearly two years older than she is. I am sure that she will do great and I can't wait to see her first game! We have one more practice before the first game!
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Boxes are fun...
Monday, March 7, 2011
Pretty Princess Reagan
If you haven't noticed, Reagan loves princesses. I think that she knows every name, character and storyline to every Disney princess book around! She also loves being a girly-girl, getting dressed in pretty pink dresses that twirl. She spins all day long in her dresses. She recently got a new dress that has lots of tulle and spins very well. I found her the other morning after she woke up wearing the pink dress (that had been in the dirty clothes), sleeping beauty shoes on, crown on her head, and princess wand in hand, sitting on her bed reading princess stories. Oh, the life......
Sunday, March 6, 2011
It is approaching Spring time, and that means Croc time! Reagan has always loved Crocs and Hudson likes to do whatever Reagan likes to do! Nan and I made a trip to the Croc store last week and picked out some special Crocs for the kids....As you can tell, Reagan, of course, has princesses on her pink Crocs, and Hudson has one Croc with sports and the other with firefighter stuff. Both like wearing them all the time!
Car Seats
We went on a special trip this weekend to get Reagan a new car seat. She was outgrowing her current car seat, so she was able to graduate to a full sized booster seat. After a little deliberation in Target and her wanting the pink with butterfly seat, we compromised on a grey seat that has some pink accents. She was very excited to try it out, and wanted to take a ride after her nap on Saturday. Hudson didn't get a new seat, but was moved to the other side of the backseat so that now he can look out the window....Everyone was extremely excited!
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